Sushi restaurant franchise Akakiko

Fish in slices and music at a stretch
A look into the menu of the Akakiko suffices to divine the variety of the Asian cuisine. Since 1994, Austria’s biggest Japanese restaurant chain delights their guests with culinary delicacies from the Far East and offers, apart from varied Japanese rolls, nibbles and soups, even a great selection of traditional dishes from further Asian countries. Themed weeks with changing gastronomic specialties enhance the offer additionally. In the meanwhile, the business runs eleven restaurants in Vienna and Linz. Further restaurants abroad are being planned, too.
In order to make the tasty trip into the land of the cherry trees preferably perfect and authentic for the clientele, the Akakiko shows itself quite consequent in many respects. Therefore all cooks are of Asian origin and the quality ingredients are imported from all over the world. The interior decoration rather follows the modest Japanese style in terms of Shoji and Company, and apart from knives and forks surely there are sticks and Renge Spoons available. Permanent quality controls cater for guileless enjoyment of fish and the consistency of the dishes, because Salmon Teriyaki shall finally hit the spot in the Turmstrasse just as in the Gerngross. And the background music is everywhere the same. Even simultaneously in all Akakiko restaurants via internet live stream. consequently. However there was a fly in the “Miso-Soup”. Because simultaneously played: Yes. Heard in the restaurant alike loud and everywhere audibly. Unfortunately not. Contrary to the usually so much successful slices and pieces motto of this sushi restaurant chain, a new loudspeaker system was to be installed, which shouldn’t steward the background music in portions, but provide a highly area-covering and primary evenly distributed acoustic irradiation with high-end sound, even being disco serviceable during special occasions. Therefore not only “easy japanise dining”, but “easy listening” was the endeavor, too.
At the customer’s wish, Lambda Labs developed very compact and powerful, but over all fullrange serviceable satellite speakers with dimensions of 21x5x9cm and 12" closed-box subwoofers upgrading below 140Hz. The design of the satellites hereby comprises specially aligned 2" high power drivers in a closed enclosure and enables a 180x120 degree radiation pattern.
In the biggest Akakiko restaurant Gerngross at the Mariahilferstrasse in Vienna for example, over 50 flown satellites and 10 flown subwoofers were installed above the seats to ensure the absolutely even sound distribution. The combination of wide radiation characteristic and the overhead positioning with high direct sound ratio turned out to be ideal, but otherwise required over 1000m of cable run in the Gerngross. To utterly avoid losses based on the long signal chains, the satellites have a high impedance of 24Ω and are operated serially connected as a pair and further connected in parallel.
Corresponding to the requirements demanded the system soundwise ranks at the upper high-end range, what is not least ascribable to the closed subwoofer, which convinces with a rich and forcefully bass down to 30Hz. As desired, the system blends in the absolutely unobtrusive overall picture and thereby takes up the straight-lined Japanese style. Once a year, on New Year’s Eve, the output reserves and the immense headroom of the installation can be presented, when besides the woks the soles are glowing in the Akakiko restaurants.
So why gaze into the distance if the good thing is close by here, or rather delicious Bento in the middle of Austria. A little advice: Best of all, enjoy on the roof-top terrace of the Gerngross restaurant. The wide view over the roofs of the metropolis is just like the musical ambience inclusive. And how often can one be able to indulge at least three senses at the same time…
Technical Details
What | 132 x triangulate Satellites (made to measure) 42 x Closed Box 12" subwoofers (made to measure) |
Where | Austria, Vienna and Linz |
Website | |
Distributed by | Lambda Labs |
Installed by | Lambda Labs |
System Setup by | Lambda Labs |