Filling the world with sound!

BMW World Munich starts working with Lambda Labs speakers
If, having payed a visit to the Kaufingerstraße, after strolling across English lawns or to top off a culinary excursion across the Viktualienmarkt, you wish to get down to brass tacks with one of the oldest motor vehicle companies in Germany, you may not even need a GPS to guide you to the public homebase of the Bayerische Motorenwerke AG founded in 1916. Close by the Olympic park, beneath the Olympic towers’ farreaching vigil and the enterprise’s head office in the ‘Vierzylinder’, sprawls the BMW World finished in 2007, harbouring expositions, deliveries, experiences and events under the same 16,000 square metre roof.
This magnificent construction, which has garnered several architectural awards, draws over 3 million visitors each year, boasting haute cuisine and an annual variety of more than 400 events.
The BMW World is unique in its futuristic architecture. At the beginning of the new millennium a public competition was launched to find the best idea. 257 of the world’s best architect’s offices offered up their contribution. Differing perspectives of space, simple orientation and maximum comfort create a suitable atmosphere, to set off the brands of the BMW Group as an impressive experience.
In order to supply sound reproduction for several events at once, 4 CX-3A, 6 CX-1A and 6 MF-15A in our standard black and 2 CX-1A in custom white have been placed at the service of the BMW World.